In the past year or so I have taken on a few refinishing projects. My first big project, which was also my first BLOG POST (yipee), was so much fun and very rewarding!
I'm definitely an instant gratification type of gal - so, getting to make a new looking piece in just a few hours work totally WORKS for me.
(I actually just laughed a little at my word play there...I know, LAME)
My mom had purchased this old milking stool sometime last summer at a yard sale. She had an idea of what she wanted to do with it but just couldn't seem to find the time.
Of course, I'm all "Let me do it, let me do it!!"
She finally gave in!
She wanted:
Black detailing
Easy Peasy!
I began by sanding off the old stain and poly.
In true 'Ashley' form I was too excited to keep working and completely forgot to take pictures of the priming stage. Oopsy!
When my mother mentioned the black detailing I didn't really think to much of it.
That all changed when I realized that I definitely didn't own a brush tiny enough to paint these lines.
I had to fill in the teeny tiny tiniest of all detailing with a tooth pick!
What the what?! This took hours!
Ok, not really hours but it certainly felt like HOURS.
Please pardon my horrible camera skills. All I have right now is the camera on my phone and it's pretty much guaranteed to never take a decent pic.
Also, don't go getting all distracted by my circa 2010 Tom Brady newspaper either!
I threw a couple coats of poly on over the slightly gray-white paint.
I kind of wanted to keep it!
TADA! All finished and I think it's looking pretty snazzy!
Since I procrastinated a bit on this project, I actually finished it on my mom's birthday and brought it to her that night.
Um, happy birthday! Here's your own stool back! Haha
I'll have another redo post up soon.
I just received the matching chest to the dresser in my first post.
Stay Tuned!
I'm linking up to the following AWESOME parties.....