Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Dresser Project - my first blog post!

Well, during a major clean out of my in-laws house we discovered some fabulous things and luckily, my mother in law wanted to give them all to me and Adam!  My favorite item being a beautiful dresser which once belonged to Adam's grandparents who then gave it to his parents who are now giving it to us.  Maybe we will give it to our kids one day?!  Although I absolutely loved the dresser, I did decide it needed some sprucing up.  My sister-in-law embarked on a dresser-refinishing-project earlier in the summer and she happened to have leftover sandpaper, primer and paint.  How lucky am I that this project ended up being...FREE!  Here are some pics of my fun project and may I just say I LOVE LOVE LOVE the finished product!  

Isn't the pale pale yellow and the original hardware just gorgeous?!  Can't wait to get the matching chest out of storage and give it the same TLC!

1 comment:

  1. This dresser is beautiful!!! Oh my gosh, I'd spend a pretty penny on that from a store. You did great. I love the blog. Keep em' coming :)
