Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Wavy Little Cuddler for BABY P!

So, I had all of these fun little quilting squares left over from a project for my, I think over three years ago!    

Not only was I getting annoyed that they were taking up room in my drawers but I was also getting annoyed with myself for not doing something with them; I mean I had already done the hard part!  Come on girl.....get to it!

For those of you who don't know, I'm going to be an auntie in June!  This is the first baby on my side (as I wrote before I have nephews - two gorgeous twin boys from my husband's side) and my family is SO EXCITED!  The FIRST grandchild, the first niece or nephew, the first tiny human being to enter this family in almost 30 years.  We are THRILLED!

This little one clearly is in need of a cute cuddly buddy - so auntie got to work to create one.  

Hope you like it.....I'm just loving it! 

The squares are cotton with little coordinating circles zig-zag stitched on top.  There is a "WAVY" river down the middle of soft & cuddly fleece!  The backing is a green fleece and Oh-So-Soft!


Ode to Coffee & Oh So Cute!

Since my lack of motivation is EPIC today I decided to at least share a little something.  Although I hate to admit my addiction to E!, I discovered this little gem during my daily creeping session on their website today!  A little ditty about one of my favorite things - COFFEE!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A little Self-Portrait Linky Party

Ashley, over at Little Miss Momma, is having a little party today and it's all about loving who we are!

Here is what she has to say..

"Yep, we're really doing this.
We're busting out the camera,
setting aside our fears,
stepping out of our comfort zone,
channeling our spunk,
embracing the beauty that is YOU,
capturing the moment,
and then posting those pictures
right here, right now
so others can see
your shining faces!"

And here is MY shining face (along with my messy craft room)

Hey, hey, it's a snowy day here is Maine.  You all know that IS NOT what I'm really wearing!  Here's what I'm really wearing......

I <3 my Portland Seadogs sweatshirts (about 5 years old) and L.L.Bean Leggings!  How 'Maine' am I?!  

Thanks for making me do something fun on my boring Snow Day, Ashley!  


Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year - It's been awhile!

Hey all!  Many apologies for my disappearing act in December.  Life just simply got away from me.  Too many things to do, see, buy and wrap!

As a Christmas gift my amazing husband and in-laws bought me brand new business cards featuring my awesome new logo (see above) that my sister-in-law created for me.  They also bought me a domain for my future website!  I'm hoping it will be up and running shortly.  I just need to go down to my craft room and start getting crafty!  My inventory is nearly non-existent thanks to some amazing friends and co-workers who decided they needed a little reaganGRACE under their Christmas trees this year.

So, let the new year begin!  I think 2011 just might be my best year yet!